A beautiful private temple built at a spectacular location, with attention paid even to the last detail. The reason for its construction is depressive, but the love and interest of its owners, turned it into shine (as it should be every Christian church) so as to remind us of the Resurrection.
The iconostasis of the temple is made of white marble and graces a concise luxury to the ensemble. The coloration of the murals has been chosen in such a way that showcases the architectural marble elements (windows, door frames, the lower marble apron, the temple ) while conforms to traditional Byzantine colors.
Detail from the Marble Iconostasis of the Church
Detail from the iconostasis of the Altar, from left to right we see the icons of Archangels Michael and Gabriel, and the Holy Mary and Child Christ
Detail from the iconostasis of the Altar, from left to right we see the icons of Christ, Saint John the Forerunner and Constantine the Great with his mother St. Helen
The double-headed eagle carved in traditional patterns of Tinian sculptor Michael Vidalis, who has also created the remaining marble figures inside the temple.
The roof of the Sanctuary is decorated by two performances: the Resurrection and the Transfiguration of Christ.
In the center of the roof, the Pantocrator is overtopped, surrounded by celestial forces and four Evangelists (Mark, Luke, Matthew and I. Theologos).
The Evangelists in pairs are facing each other, according to the studies of F. Kontoglou for the hagiography of the Temples and the arrangement of forms in space.
The west side of the roof is covered by the representation of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Lazarus. These representations remind us the death of Christ for the salvation of the world and the hope of resurrection.
The west wall is an original creation both in theme and composition. On the middle of the west wall over the entrance the representation of All Saints is depicted, while in the left and right area two rare representations with miracles of Archangel Michael harmoniously complement the space above the standing saints.
Right of the entry, Saint Gerasimos Leontariou a local saint is depicted next to the Archangel Gabriel
Detail from the Archangel Gabriel. The hand holding the disk
Detail from the murals in the north west side.
The north side of the church is divided into two zones : the lower zone emblazoned with full body saints and a higher zone with female saints in bust.
Saint Constantine and Helen with the Holy Cross. Details from the murals on the North side
The south side of the church follows the same standards with north side, divided into two zones, with the upper zone hosts men Saints in bust.
The interior of the sanctuary decorated with traditional themes with the Annunciation, and Platytera with great Hierarchs in the niche of the sanctuary.
The interior of the church just before the beginning of its hagiography. You can see the western side with the main entrance. Upon a closer look, you can perceive and the curvature of the roof.
The roof of the Sanctuary is covered by two performances: the Resurrection and the Transfiguration of Christ.
The design is made in models, but the final details are arranged on the spot, in order to achieve higher accuracy and make clear to the faithful (who is an observer from a distance) the integrity of the project.
Detail from the scene of the Resurrection of Lazarus.
Mary kisses and washes the feet of Christ who resurrected her brother, four days after his burial. Christ looks like he doesn't lean on Earth, while Mary expresses humility by both her body's posture and the expression of her face.