The dome
In August 2004, the dome was finally completed. The dome is 33 meters tall (* to understand the size, should we compare the dome to an apartment complex, the dome would be at the same height as the eighth floor) and takes up over 350 square meters. The composition of the dome consists of the Throne of The Second Coming, a zone of Angels with the Mother of God around God Almighty.
The dome
The composition of the dome consists of the Throne of The Second Coming, a zone of Angels with the Mother of God around God Almighty. Below it and between the windows there is a second zone of Prophets. The size of God Almighty is about 4.5 meters, while the Prophets and Angels are over 3 meters tall. The composition ends with six-winged Seraphim and Evangelists on the triangular surfaces at the lowest areas of the dome.
The dome - Detail
The composition of the dome consists of the Throne of The Second Coming, a zone of Angels with the Mother of God around God Almighty.
The dome - Detail
The composition ends with six-winged Seraphim and Evangelists on the triangular surfaces at the lowest areas of the dome.
Here, Evngelistis Luke writes with a feather and ink scrolls and the Gospel, which he keeps open on his feet.